The first meeting to form Trinity Christian Worship was held on September 19, 1999 with 6 of the founding members in attendance at the home of the late Juanita Johnson at 2509 South Blvd., Dallas, TX. By the second meeting on October 2, 1999 they were well under way with formation and plans for the 1st Sunday in November to have church service solely for the organizers, and the 2nd Sunday was established for visiting guest at 2703 Hatcher St. Dallas, TX which happens to be the location of the old Pinkston Mortuary.
Each of the founders submitted a guest list and the invitations were designed and mailed out for people to come and fellowship. The founding principles for Trinity were in place. Rev. Archie & Jacqueline Greer, Anthony & Melonee Hopkins, Rev. Reginald Hurd, Curtis Mitchell, & Eric Wyatt were close at that time to seeing their plans come to fruition. There were 9 people in attendance on November 14, 1999 and the dedication of the founding of Trinity Christian Worship took place on that day in the chapel of the Mortuary with a Karaoke machine to do music.
Trinity has gone from the Mortuary on Hatcher to a strip mall on Mockingbird Lane, to a 2 story building on Control Place, another strip mall on Galloway, to our home on Gus Thomasson. In between each stop we may have spent a Sunday or two at the recreation center, but we were always together. We have grown since then, lost & picked up members, but never forgot where we came from and what our mission is.
If you would like more information about Trinity Christian Worship, or would like to give us your feedback please contact info@tcwmesquite.org
Archie Greer
Senior Pastor
Kwesi Benson
Assistant Pastor
Rodney Hendrix
Associate Pastor
Bryon Hendricks
Associate Pastor
Ken Hooper
Associate Pastor